I'm trying to add simple function to my website but didn't know what to do. Niphlod provided me the snippet in web2py forum so I can share it here!
1. Create new app called "highlight"
2. Overwrite the response.menu in menu.py
response.menu = [
(SPAN('Home', _id='default_highlighted'), False, URL('default', 'index'), []),
(SPAN('Menu1'), False, URL('default', 'menu1'), []),
(SPAN('Menu2'), False, URL('default', 'menu2'), [])
3. add the following script right before </head> in layout.html
jQuery(function() {
var path = location.pathname.substring(1);
if ( path ) {
var els = jQuery('ul.nav a[href$="'+path+'"]').filter("[rel!=nofollow]");
if (els.length != 0) {
} else {
4. Create empty action in controllers/default.py for test purpose
def index():
return dict('')
def menu1():
return dict('')
def menu2():
return dict('')
5. And empty views default/menu1.html and default/menu2.html
6. TA-DA