Thursday, May 9, 2013

web2py Dynamically change highlighted class for

I'm trying to add simple function to my website but didn't know what to do. Niphlod provided me the snippet in web2py forum so I can share it here!

1. Create new app called "highlight"

2. Overwrite the in = [
    (SPAN('Home', _id='default_highlighted'), False, URL('default', 'index'), []),
    (SPAN('Menu1'), False, URL('default', 'menu1'), []),
    (SPAN('Menu2'), False, URL('default', 'menu2'), [])

3. add the following script right before </head> in layout.html

jQuery(function() {
  var path = location.pathname.substring(1);
    if ( path ) {
        var els = jQuery('ul.nav a[href$="'+path+'"]').filter("[rel!=nofollow]");
        if (els.length != 0) {

        } else {

4. Create empty action in controllers/ for test purpose

def index():
    return dict('')

def menu1():
    return dict('')

def menu2():
    return dict('')

5. And empty views default/menu1.html and default/menu2.html

6. TA-DA

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

web2py jquery mobile plugin

So this year I'm trying to work on mobile development. I realized it's hard for me to learn all the language for the native app for each platform (apple, android, blackberry...etc) and found jQuery Mobile. It's so cool how come I didn't know about it!

I finished reading the book and What?? web2py already has the plugin !! OMG, I love web2py.

You can download it from here.

Thank you, Jason, Timothy, Harkirat and Massimo.

As of today, there is a issue and you will get blank page when you install the plugin.
I already submit a ticket (#1354: jQuery Mobile Plugin layout issue) with the solution.

Yeah! It looks great !!